Licensing Classes

We will offer a free Technician licensing class to any sixth grade through high school student. That licensing class will be taught every trimester, once per week, two hours per week, for ten weeks, on a day and time convenient for most. Your contact person, and instructor, is Al Eckman (WW8WW) Email him for info and signup.

We will be using study materials supplied by ‘Ham Radio School’ and ‘Stu’ – W0STU. Those study materials will include the book ‘Ham Radio School Technician License Course 2022-2026’ AND an online video course. A local benefactor/donor will cover the cost of the book and the online video course. Your cost is ZERO.

This is what you will learn, as described by ‘Stu’ – W0STU, ‘Ham Radio School’.

1.0 Operating Your Radio

1.1 Transceiver Basics

1.2 Ham Communication Basics

1.3 Repeater Basics

2.0 FCC Rules & Regs

2.1 The FCC and You

2.2 Controlling Your Station

2.3 Call Signs

2.4 Talking to the World

3.0 Things To Do

4.0 Wavelength, Frequency, & Bands

4.1 Wavelength and Frequency

4.2 Bands, Band Plans, & License Privileges

5.0 Signal Propagation

6.0 Processing Signals

7.0 Antennas

7.1 Antenna Basics

7.2 Standing Wave Ratio (SWR)

7.3 Coax and Connec

8.0 It’s Electric!

8.1 Electric Basics

8.2 Ohm’s Law and Power Law

8.3 Making Electrical Measurements

9.0 Hamtronics

9.1 Electronic Basics

9.2 Transistors and More

10.0 Digital Modes

11.0 Space Contacts

12.0 Avoiding Interference

13.0 Safety

13.1 Electrical Safety

13.2 Antenna & Tower Safety

13.3 RF Exposure Safety