

The Lowell Amateur Radio Youth Club first affiliated with the ARRL (Amateur Radio Relay League) in 1969. Its call sign is K8LHS (Kilo – Eight – Lima – Hotel – Sierra). It’s operating room (shack) is located at Lowell High School (MI) at 11700 Vergennes St – Lowell, MI. 49331. The trustee of the Club license is Al Eckman – WW8WW.

Over the past several years, club student members have been able to take part in the following:

‘Foxhunting’: Using radio direction finding techniques to locate a hidden transmitter in a designated search area;

Operating ‘Mobile’: This is a station capable of being operated while in motion. This has included, for us, plane mobile, train mobile, and hot-air balloon mobile.

Making many contacts from the radio room on the USS Silversides (a WWII submarine now moored in Lake Michigan at Muskegon). We also stayed overnight in that submarine. While there we also operated from the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter McLane.

Attended the annual Dayton Hamvention numerous times. On several occasions, members of our youth club volunteered to speak at the Youth Forum about many interesting topics.

Conducted lighthouse and island ‘activations’ including the Grand Haven lighthouse, Beaver Island, Mackinac Island, and S. Manitou Island.

Participated in the Adopt-A-Road cleanup program (M-21, E Fulton, just west of the Lowell city limits.

Took part in the 50th anniversary commemoration of the Mackinac Bridge.

Operated during several of the annual ‘Field Days’ sponsored by the ARRL.

Assisted with communications at the River Bank Run.

Conducted several club fund-raising ‘Hamfests’ for amateur radio operators.

Conducted our own bi-weekly amateur radio youth club net using students as ‘net control’.